Tuesday 22 October 2013

My new favourite outdoor game

If you ever happen to see me at the Stadtpark, throwing a wooden pin, trying to hit targets (and possibly swearing), don't worry - I'm not reviving ancient hunting techniques, but simply playing Mölkky.

'Mölkky, what a strange name is that?' you might wonder. It is a game of Finnish origin and unfortunately almost only known there - but now I'm here to change that. :-)

The game consist of a wooden pin ("mölkky") used for throwing and 12 other pins with the numbers 1-12 on them (you can see them on the picture).

The pins are initially placed in a group (in a special order, but don't ask why) 3–4 metres away from the throwing place. 

The rules are simple. In turns, each player throws the mölkky and tries to knock over some of the wooden pins. If one pin falls, the player receives the amount of points marked on the pin. If more than one pin falls, the player will receive the number of pins knocked over as points (e.g. if you knock over the pins with the numbers one, two and five you will get three points, not eight.)

After each throw the pins are put up again in the exact place where they landed, not in the initial position. At first, that won't make much difference, but after a while single pins can be as far away as ten metres!

The first one to reach 50 points wins the game. Scoring more than 50 points, however (e.g. you already have 48 points and then knock over the pin with the "3" on it), will result in a "penalty". That means your score drops to 25 points.

Got it?

Let the game(s) begin! :-)

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