Thursday, 3 July 2014

The end of a great year

Almost exactly one year ago, I arrived in Graz with a car full of tools and bags and we (that is, my dad and I) started to prepare what was to become my little student flat, my tiny refuge and a large piece of independence. Now I am packing all my things into suitcases and bags again - and a year ago I would never have thought that leaving this place would be so hard.

The last exam is written and my first year at university is over - a good time to reflect and resume.

I had never thought I would meet so many interesting people and find so many good friends in such a short time. We had the best times together - a more or less spontaneous trip to Stockholm, for example! -  and we are planning to make a dignified exit tomorrow, including a hiking tour and a dinner.

In the course of this last year I learned to budget, to deal with burocracy - and I finally learned how to cook. In fact, I even started to refer to cooking and baking as a new hobby!

As far as university is concerned, it was a challenge to get used to it at first. Suddenly, I had to make my own schedule, decide myself when and what I need to study and so on. The tasks and exams - especially in English - were often challenging and I saw too many of my colleagues fail or give up. I think the freedom and the challenges helped me to grow, and I realized how many hidden resources and how much self-motivation I can mobilise when it is needed. Most importantly, I have hardly ever been this eager to learn and I'm still convinced that studying languages is the right path for me.

Last year, I moved into this flat, with a suitcase in my hand and vague expectations on my mind. Now I'm leaving this flat that I've started to call "home" in order to go to the UK, where I will be living and working for the next three months. In less than two weeks, I will be standing at the airport in Vienna, with a suitcase in my hand and vague expectations on my mind - and the hope that this summer will be just as incredible as the last year as been.

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